Tripartite Prenuptial Agreement to Solve the Agunah Problem

Agreement for Mutual Respect

The Agreement for Mutual Respect is designed to prevent “get-refusal” on the part of either spouse. If, G-d forbid, the couple should divorce, it provides a monetary incentive to do so in a respectful manner.

This agreement includes the Beth Din of America’s Agreement as an appendix, which is designed to be used outside of the State of Israel. Thus the Agreement for Mutual Respect together with its appendix should be signed prior to the wedding before a notary.

Three copies should be made at the time of signing: The marrying couple should each receive one copy; the notary should receive the third copy.

Please note for your information that the composers of the prenuptial agreement cannot take upon themselves legal or halachic (Jewish legal) responsibility for the phrasing and text of the agreement or for its validity. Rabbinic and Halachic authority and/or legal authority (an attorney), of your choosing, should be consulted in order to obtain appropriate counsel and advice.